Tuesday, September 4, 2007

09/04/07 - 20k words bitches

Not a whole lot to write about today. No movie reviews or anything, but I will post more soon. Just posting that I am scoping Seattle for a job and hopefully will have one that pays more soon.

Current Word Count: 20,699
As you can see I wrote another 1,600 words last night. Pretty proud of myself on that. I also sent a copy of the story so far off to Nick to read so hopefully he enjoys it. After I finish the current section that I am on I am planning to re-touch the first 20 chapters and expand on most of the chapters. A lot of them seemed rushed and short and I want to expand almost every chapter to be at least 2,000 words. This wont be hard to do because there is a lot of room for needed growth in the chapters, especially with what I have been currently writing that I realized I need to give some background info on some characters and some relationships. A lot of stuff needs to be retooled and polished. I think it's a really good story and has a lot of potential, I just need to get it smoothed out.

I am hoping that Nick reads it, enjoys it and has some insight on it that is helpful. Though I will probably just get a 'you suck, nigger' from him.


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