Friday, August 31, 2007

8/31/07 - The last post of August....maybe.

So I don't have much for today. Just a pictures and an update, but not in that order. Enjoy.

Daily Memoirs Project Update
current word count: 18,107
If you have been paying attention you will notice that the word count on the story has gone up about 3,000 words since I started posting the updates. Pretty proud of that, until I realize that I'm at BEST 20% done with the story. Oh well, I still have a lot to say with these characters and lot more to develop.

I am currently writing chapter 19 which is so far turning out to be my longest chapter yet by far. Chapter 19 is currently 2,442 words long making it 13% of the entire story thus far. This will change because I do plan to go back and elaborate even more in the early chapters and the next chunk of chapters will be quite lengthy because they each tackle a big chunk of the story.

All in all I am impressed with myself to what I have gotten done. I do think after 20 chapters are completed I might try to see if there is any interest in it.


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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

8/29/07 - meh.

I have nothing to write today. Just some pictures I thought where funny.


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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

8/28/07 - Fuck.

So the wife dropped the bomb today that she wants me to get more hours here or go to the shipyard, construction of landscaping. This really upset me. I do not mind getting more hours here, or looking for a new job, it's that I do NOT want to do construction or landscaping. I am not that kind of person. And the shipyard...I don't know. I have a hard time being away from my wife and kids, especially since Jakob has all his medical problems, Kodi has all his court issues with CPS and my wife is pregnant and I hate to leave her home alone with 2 young boys to run her ragged. That and I just really don't want to do the work they have there. I don't want to do something I will hate with every inch of my body. If I absolutely have to I will, I would rather get a job at Keyport or something that challenges my mind and is something I am at least remotely interested in. I don't know..I am at a loss right now. I need some direction...I think I need to go back to school and finish OC for a change. I need to get my head in the game...

So I just called OC to figure out what I need to do to get reinstated with Financial aid. I went Winter 06-07 and ended up not completing any of the three classes I was attending due to Jakob's medical and Kodi's court. I plan to go back a little smarter this time and only take one or two classes and not have them everyday but only go twice a week. Assuming I can get my financial aid back I should be able to graduate at the end of this coming school year with my AAS. I feel like I make a post similar to this EVERY year, but maybe this will be the year I complete it? After I get this I plan to move to a different school to get my Bachelors probably in Web Development. I am hoping I can get OC to approve me to take 2 classes a quarter for three quarters so I can take one class I need then take a design art class to prepare me for the Web Development program. Maybe I should make an appointment with a adviser, see if they can help me? (Yes, this is all in repsonce to me getting pissed that my wife suggested construction or landscaping)

So I need to tell you a story of a customer call that a co worker received today. This customer calls up and I will type for you now what I recall as what was said:

Customer: "Hi! I haven't signed up yet, but I am interested in your service! Can you please tell me about it?"

CSR: "Certainly sir, what can I help you with?"

C: "I see your trial is only for 10 days. I hardly see how this is enough time to make an appropriate judgment on your service. Can you extend it for me since I am special?"
(I may be exaggerating what was said a little)

CSR: No sir, I am unable to extend your free trial.  90% of our customers find that they know if they want to keep the service during the 10 days.

C: Well the STANDARD is a 14 day two week trial! Why don't you follow the standard!? They have been giving 14 day trial for 100,000 years! WHY CAN'T YOU?
(I swear to Christ this is what he said, NOT me elaborating it)

CSR: (trying not to laugh) Sir, I doubt internet companies have been giving free trials for 100,000 years.

C: Well, maybe a 100 years to be more exact, but I was exaggerating to prove a point!
(Again, this is almost word for word what he said)

CSR: (Still trying not to laugh) Sir is there anything else I can help you with?

(he says this as if the manager is going to do something different, or maybe he wanted to talk about the ancient 14 day free trials the Greeks gave out when they rented their video games)

CSR: Fuck your mother sir.

OK, ok! So maybe the call DIDN'T end that way, but in my world it did.

Anyone looking for a 99 Acura?

These are for my nerdy friends...


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Monday, August 27, 2007

8/27/08 - One monkey, two monkeys, three monkeys four, way to many monkeys shitting on my floor...

So on Saturday I had a real nice post typed up with a pretty good rant about going to work then finding out I didn't have to work so I got to go home. Well Firefox ended up freezing up and that sucked. Why might that suck? Well you see I write my post in a thing called 'Scrivefire' which is an extension/add on for Mozilla Firefox. It's really neat and allows you write you bolgs within Firefox ina split window while you have webpages loaded above you. You can also 'x' it and it keeps your post until you clear it. Only it doesn't keep your post if Firefox crashes. Ok, I'm done giving 'Scrivefire' free advertising, and it wasn't that good of a post anyway.

I stumbled upon this cool website that showed me this neat trick with 12v batteries. Let me see if I can find it....
12 Volt Battery Hack! You'll Be Surprised...
I'm going to try this!

Word Count=16,990
So I worked on Memoirs for awhile over the weekend and got it to where I am only one chapter away from being caught up on my revisions and making notes for each chapters. In case you where wondering, right now it is at 19 chapters and nearly 17,000 words.Once I finish making notes on chapter 19 and start to actually write new stuff things should run pretty quickly seeing as I have a ton of ideas in the works for this project.; I somewhat have a direction that I want to turn, or rather have Robert (the main character) turn.
Oh, and if you have read one of the previous drafts, even if you where one of the few who received a copy in the last month, I have re-worked a lot of the story and it's worth another read.
NICK - You will be getting the first copy of the reworked first 19 chapters this week.

Bikini Jeans

Crazy ass Japanese people, I swear they sit around and just try to think of fucked up ways to shock the world. The worst part is the citizens over there buy into all the retarded shit. It's weird shit like this that makes me want to move there for a year just to experience what it's like living in a crazy man's mind.

Yesterday we started to go through our upper Garage and organize it for the garage sale we plan to have next weekend. My sister and her hubby Mike came down to help out and we spent a good several hours going through shit. On the plus side I got all my art supplies that where up there moved all together and got a spark of wanting to paint. On the down side they just got moved to the lower garage since there is NO way I have any room to bring them into the house. This leads me to my next topic...
I really need a better paying job. Even if they gave me 40 hours a week here I still would be making barely enough money to scrap by. With two young boys and a third child on the way $9.00 is not enough money to support my family. It kind of makes me feel like a failure in life to only be making $9.00 with a stay at home wife, 2 kids and a third on the way. Something needs to change, and it needs to change now. Maybe I'll whore myself to fat chicks.

So remembered today that I have a Deviant Art account and should probably start posting to it again. I did some research and it looks like they only allow HTML posts if you are a PAID user. How fucking gay is that? You have to pay $30 a year just to allow your posts to be in HTML. Also, it looks like they only images if you have a paid account, not links or anything else. This is frustrating. I Like deviant art, but might ignore it for my blog because it's just a pain in the ass and I'm poor.

Ok all, I am getting off work a half an hour early and I'm going to go home and surprise my wife. Hopefully she doesn't read this before had.


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Thursday, August 23, 2007

8/23/07 - feedburner?

So most of my day today at work has been spent tuning up my website Man it feels good to have it running again. I called Garret and told him what it was that broke it and he pretty much called be a fucking dumbass. Rightfully so. Man I hope I can get back into the swing of this and make it fucking work
The next big step for my site is to figure out how to make the front to update via RSS. I found the code to do it, now I just need to figure out how to make it fucking work!
And speaking of fucking, I did a word count analyzer on my blog for the last 4 years and 'fucking' is the number one said word. 'Kaylie' was number 20 or so. Not bad, she gets into the top 20 with only a year of being in the blog which has been going for 5 years now. Ill post more statistics on my blog tomorrow, they are neat. I know no one cares, but its fun.

stolen from

I wonder what the story behind this is?

This customer just called in an yelled at me. It was funny, I think I might have sort of laughed at her. She was a bitch and I hung up on her. Damn I am a great CSR. They should promote me.


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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

8/22/07 - Things that...Wait, I've use that title before.

So I started writing a post last night and then I emailed it to myself. Only it never came through. Well, let me correct that, it DID come through on my phone but not on my actual email. I have attempted to forward it off of my phone so that I can just copy past it because it was some pretty neat stuff, but alas it has not come through. I am going to have to re-type in manually.

remind me in the future when I do this to just upload it to my Gspace and not email it.

If anyone cares I will be spending a lot of my free time reading practically everything on THIS website. Learning everything I can about PHP and mySQL. I need to learn this to program the JKLM website and to be able to update my own website.

On a good note, I talked with my boss Micheal today and he figured out what was wrong with my website! IT WORKS AGAIN!!! FUCK YEAH!! OMFG DAWG!!!! Now I can have all of this posting on my website as well!

The Official God FAQ

I've often wonder if God might have a "Frequently Asked Questions", low and behold I found it! Take a look, it is very informative. I know I learned a lot by reading it.

One of his students asked Buddha, "Are you the messiah?"
"No", answered Buddha.
"Then are you a healer?"
"No", Buddha replied.
"Then are you a teacher?" the student persisted.
"No, I am not a teacher."
"Then what are you?" asked the student, exasperated.
"I am awake", Buddha replied.

I wonder if Buddha was as resentful to be awake as I am right now?

And now something I found completely amazing:
(They are all drawn in DUST on car WINDOWS!)

see all of them here

Here is something to do if you are REALLY high

© Kenneth Parker 2007

Check out this guy Kenneth Parker, he takes some amazing fucking photographs. His color balance is amazing. I'm no photographer but damn when I found his website it blew my fucking mind.

MS Escher and legos? Who would have thought?

see more here


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Tuesday, August 21, 2007

8/21/07 - Best thing EVER!!!!

Oh man I have so much to write about right now!!! Where the hell do I start? How about with THIS!


And the best part? I SAW THE EFFIN' HEART BEAT!!!! During the ultra sound. Holy poo in a shoe it was the greatest thing ever! EVER I SAY!!!


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8/21/07 - Dubya D Duble D's

Hold up! What's that you say? This image is anti-American? Why sir YOU are anti-American! How do you know Dubya DOESNTY heart midget porn? HMM??? There is nothing more American then watching God's little punch lines Midgets expressing their freedom of speech and horrifying pleasing us all with sexual acts.

Man, you know what sucks? I had a post going then Bill (my bosses bosses boss) asked if he could use my desk, naturally I said ok. Well I am up front this week at Aliesha's desk while she is on vacation and I was remoted into my computer in the back. I was writing my blog on that computer and when he went in there he took the network cable off of it to plug his laptop into. So I got booted off. Hopefully it's still there when I log back into it after he leaves!! Heh, I got my remote connection back! Now let us see if you can figure out what it was that I thought I might have lost!

DMCA Means You Can't Delete Files On Your PC?
stolen from SlashDot
DragonHawk writes "According to Wired, John Stottlemire found a way to print duplicate coupons from by deleting some files and registry entires on his PC. Now he's being sued for a DMCA violation. He says, 'All I did was erase files or registry keys.' Says a lawyer: '[The DMCA] may cover this. I think it does give companies a lot of leverage and a lot of power.' So now the copyright cartels are saying that not only can we not copy things on our computers, but we can't delete things on our computers? Time to buy stock in Seagate."
Well shit, I'm not sure that should be right. How could it possibly be legal for them to not allow you to delete your own files? It should be up to them to make sure you can't cheat them out of whatever it is they are offering on their end, not yours.

Last night after the kids went to bed, Gramma watched them while I made Kaylie go up to my parents house with me so I could sort some cards. I just really wanted to get something done on JKLM. I got to give it to my wife, she did not want to go but she did because I was so adamant on wanting to get something done. On the plus side I got a lot of shit done. On the negative side I was fucking tired this morning cause I got to bed after midnight.

Ok all, I am off to take my lunch break and to head off to Kaylie's first baby doctor appointment. I will probably post again later today.


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Monday, August 20, 2007

8/20/07 - Well shit on a shingle

Two posts in one day? by god I haven't done this in a while. Why might you ask am I doing this?

For starters I got a call from my wife (I LOVE YOU!) that my sister is in the hospital for tummy pain. She is a couple months prego right now so this is a little scary. I myself am not too worried about it and am 99.9% confident that she and her unborn child will be fine, but it is scary non the less.

Next on the agenda of craptastic is the toilet at home upstairs overflowed and flooded the upstairs bathroom. So I get to rip out carpet tonight. And to top all that off it flooded so much that it seeped downstairs into our living room and soaked the floor. The best part is that the water came down through the outlet in the ceiling so hopefully we don't get shocked to shit. I had Kaylie turn off the computer and unplug the power strip runs the entertainment center as a precaution.

So my nice easy night that I planned of going through trading cards and bullshitting just got turned into ripping out carpet and quite possibly getting pissed off.

On a good note I found this in my /crap folder

I think it is mighty appropriate, to a degree.


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8/20/07 - It's Payday foolios!

The safe word is....banana. B.A.N.A.N.A.S

I am back from my wonderment camping trip of everlasting joy and...rain. Why is it that the drive out there always seems to take for-fucking-ever, but the drive home goes like a snap?

On any account the trip was for the most part pleasant with only one real tufflle that I see no need to go into. Saturday morning we got up at 5:30am to go fishing out on some remote part of Cushman. We didn't catch shit but it was fun never-the-less. Kodi had a great time. I didn't do much fishing since I spent the entire time with Kodi helping him cast and try to catch a fish.

Boe mad some delicious food (as always) and we spent some time on the 'beach' skipping rocks and seeing how far we could throw them. Needless to say my arm fucking hurts not, but god damnit I threw the furthest rock! I have some wonderful pictures from this adventurous weekend but they will have to wait seeing as I am at work and the pictures are at Kaylie's mothers house on her camera since neither Kaylie nor I was smart enough to charge our camera before the trip. Oh we brought it, but the battery was deader than LiLo's ability to be taken seriously.

You know what sucks right now? It's only 1:20pm and I have to be here at work until 7pm tonight. And I REALLY do not wish to do this. But I need that money dawg.

It appears that no one read my version of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. What a pity, I spent a minute or two writing it. Oh well, You will all just have to suffer in the future when I re-write my versions of other classic books. Yes, I am calling the newest Harry Potter book a classic. Deal with it.

Speaking of Harry Potter, I was watching the 40 Year old Virgin last night and Paul Rudd's character David brought Steve Carell's character Andy a big 'ol box of porn. In that big 'ol box of porn they mention a movie called Harry Twater. So what did I do? I attempted to find said porn, but alas to no avail. The only thing I could find was Lindsey Lohan SNL skit. Here is a screen cap.

Not to be a complainer, but I don't remember Harry Potter being female nor Hermione being taller then him and having pillows quite that large. Not to say that Emma Watson Isn't wonderful looking in all her underage glory ( and she likes good beer)

To bad I'm married and not 16, cause then I would find her attractive. As it is she can only be cute at best.


Current Word Count: 16,467

I love how these 'daily' updates tend to only happen once a week. As you can see only 400 new words where added to the story since the last update. This isn't because I am slow at typing or anything, but simply because I have been going through the book and making notes for myself as well as cleaning up some of the previously written material and expanding upon what was already written. If any of you know what "breaking the third wall" means then if you ever read this story be prepared for me to do this several times throughout the story. I tend to ignore that first rule of writing. I don't ignore it because I think I am an excellent writer, I ignore it because I don't care about that rule. And I find that when I break the third wall it gives me several options to make some very funny things happen.

I was up until 2am last night going through the chapters and adding stuff. I got through 4 more chapters with making notes and expanding upon what was already there. Honestly, I will probably do this a good 10 or 20 more times before I consider the chapters to be 'finished'. I have already have re-read and re-worked the first 4 chapters countless times. Hopefully I can get a finished 'first draft' of this story soon, something I can really re-work from start to finish. Going back through everything has really been helpful for me to try and figure out where this story is going. I say that because as of right now I really do not know what is going to happen next. I have some ideas, some places I want to take this story. But when it comes to an ending and how this story will come to a climactic ending, I have no fucking idea. Only time will tell. Right now Robert is walking through a 'Dreamworld'. And yes, it is exactly referencing Neil Giaman's Endless. Hopefully I can make it come across as just an homage and not me stealing ideas. Let us also hope that DC Comics doesn't sue the shit out of me.

I need to draw up some sort of a design that I can post up with these updates, make them 'prettier'

Let me dig through my /crap folder and post some random old images for you all to gander at

I should finish this sometime...

Cover for a CD that was never recorded. Something else I want to finish...

it's to bad the shadowing looks like ass on this.

I think thats all I got for now.


Friday, August 17, 2007

8/17/07 - If I where in the Harry Potter universe, I would be Hagrid.

You will probably notice that a lot of my posts for awhile will be Harry Potter themed. This tends to happen when ever I get really interested in a series. It happened with Angel and Buffy, it happened with HG2G, and now Harry Potter. I'm sure it will happen again with the next set of books/movies/stories I get into. Deal with it.
ANyone ever wonder about what it would look like if Harry Potter teamed up with Superman to take out Nagini? Wonder no more!

Image © HowStuffWorks/Superman © DC Comics/
Harry Potter and all related characters and elements are ™ and © Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.
Harry Potter Publishing Rights © J.K.R. 2006

Someday I might get in trouble for posting other peoples comic strips, but I'm not claiming them as my own and until I am told differently, I will keep doing it.

The wife kids and I are going camping this weekend with the in-laws. Heading up to Cushman until Sunday. This means you won't hear from me until probably Monday, but I might make a Sunday night post. I haven't been camping in years... Possibly 10 years. Generally I am not one to give a fuck about camping, but with how much the wife is into it, for some reason it has gotten me into it as well. Oddly I am somewhat excited to go. I am not looking forward to sleeping like shit for two nights, getting annoyed with everyone. I am however looking forward to eating what the wonderful food that Bo is going to be cooking and spending some quality time with the family away from the computer and TV. Although I REALLY REALLY want to spend a month sitting in front of my computer and just work on the Memoirs Project, I know some time away from the stress of everything will be nice. The last time the wife and I got away from the stress was our honeymoon and THAT was an amazing few days. I know this camping trip will be nothing like that, but in a way it will be similar in the fact that we will be away from the worries of work and bills. We will be able to just relax together as a family and in general fuck around.

Right now I am having what is not quite a moral dilemma, just sort of a dilemma about who I don't want to read my blogs and more importantly my comic strip. You see, if you all remember well enough back to when I was doing the strip a lot (which I WILL get back into doing at least once a week) I have these characters called the 'Jesus Triplets'. I myself have no problem at all with this concept and find it extremely hilarious and a good set of characters to play with. However, my wifes grandma would not find this funny in any way (she offered to give me $20 cash to give her my 'Jesus says "Don't be a dick"' t-shirt so she could burn it). And in general I do not care if I offend people (I'm not out to offend, only to make people laugh(and well all know I do the strip stickily to make 4 people laugh)) I would hate to have her think I am some god-hating heathen. My Jesus Triplets are only to poke fun, not to offend. And if anyone could take a joke, it's Jesus. Maybe I will take my drawing pad and draw some strips up. Yeah, I like t hat plan. Thoughts?

I think I am going to write up the way I would have written Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows for you all.


as told if J Horsley III was the author.

Harry, Ron and Hermione where on the run from Lord Voldemort when Hermione was going on and fucking on about bullshit no one cares about. Harry turns to Hermione.

"Oh lay off it you! All we hear from you is shit bitch shit! Can't you for once sto..."

At that very moment a speeding semi truck came out of nowhere and mowed Harry down, snapping his head clean off his body and killing him instantly.

"Bloody hell!" screeched Ron.

"HARRY!!!!!" cried Hermione, like a bitch.

The semi turned around half a mile down the road and came driving back past Ron and Hermione, and as it passed they saw the driver of the truck was none other than The Dark Lord himself, Voldemort!

"A truck? What kind of wizard uses a truck?" exclaimed Ron.

"The kind..." the Dark Lord began to talk in his high snake like voice. "That wants the job done, and magic seems to just do fuck all to Potter!"

They all lived in shit and turmoil because Harry was hit by a fucking truck.


So the wife and I are thinking of names for our baby to be. If it's a boy the name will be J N Horsley IV naturally. So we don't get to be creative there, but that's ok. If it is a girl however, we get to use our creativity for the name. Right now I want to name our baby girl

Zlhna Anne Marie Lila Louise Alexandria Horsley

Kaylie thinks it's to long, but I love the way it rolls off the tongue. (Zlhna is pronounced like Lana with a Z in front of it)
Here is a break down of why I want to many names

Zlhna - Because its a pretty name

Anne - Kaylie picked this one, I think because it is her grandma's mothers name

Marie - this is Kaylie and her mom's middle name

Lila - this was my grandma's (my mom's mom) name

Louise - This is my mothers name

Alexandria - This is just a beautiful name

And after all of that, IF my wife will agree to naming our child this, we will call her 'Allie'.

I think I am done for today. I will have a nice post about our camping trip and maybe something special on Monday!


Thursday, August 16, 2007

8/16/07 - Voldemort can't stop the rock

Also check this link out, if you like Harry Potter
So I finished Harry potter and the Deathly Hallows last night. I know by now a lot of people have already finished it, but I tend to do things on my own time. It's like when I finished watching Buffy and Angel, I dragged the last season out for awhile because I knew once it was done there was no more. So I wanted to enjoy it. The same applies to this book. It's the last in the series and I really didn't want the series to end.

That being said, I figured out a large part of the ending of this book from about halfway through or so. Not that I was disappointed, because I rather enjoyed the end of the book. But to me it was pretty obvious that Harry would be with Ginny at the end and Ron would be with Hermoine. The only deaths of the book that surprised me where Fred and Tonks. I really didn't see them killing one of the twins off. If any of the Weasley boys I suspected Charlie or Percy to bit the wand. I really hope that when they make the movie for book 7 they take their time and pay attention to the details of the book. The movie for this book needs to be a little longer I think, possibly up to 3 hours. I fear if they rush anything in this book it will make an anti-climactic ended to the wonderful story that is Harry Potter.
Now I will admit, I was not into Harry Potter when it first came out. I did my fare share of mocking the idea of this book/movie series. That was before I actually took the time to investigate what it was. I have to admit, I really enjoyed this series. I enjoyed it so much that I honestly hope that JK Rowling will write some more book that take place in the Harry Potter Universe. Maybe a James and Lilly book. One on Voldemort while at Hogwarts. She could do one on the children at Hogwarts. In fact, Each of those ideas could be another 7 book series of each of their respected tenures and Hogwarts. Lord knows I would read them! I would love to read about the triangle of Lily, James and Severus. Learn more about what Tom Riddle did at Hogwarts, and to find out what lies in store for the Potter/Weasley kids!
As of right now she says she is done...then again Sara Jessica Parker said there would never be a Sex in the City movie and Mel Gibson said there would never be a Lethal Weapon 4. We all know those where made, and how where they made? In the immortal words of Mel Gibson on why LW4 was made "They dropped off bushel barrels of cash at my door"

Myspace has added this neat feature that tells you how many unread messages you have. I say the word 'neat' very sarcastically because they are extremely behind on getting this into place seeing as nearly every other website/message/mail service in the WORLD has this feature when they launch. But hey, kudos to you Tom.

The shitty part about this is that it told me I had NINE unread messages. This caused me to go through over 130 pages of old messages to find the 9 that where missed. None of them where important but I just didn't like seeing the number (9) next to inbox. It was miss-leading.

Fuck me in the goat ass.
I am trying to set up to be a portal for my RSS feed for this blog. There are PHP codes out there to do it, but alas I'm an idiot and can not figure it out. I think since my database crashed I am going to need to flush my site completely and start over. FUCK! I miss it when Garrett was just doing all this shit for me! If I had money I would PAY him to fix the site. Maybe I will email him and offer him some cash if he can just get it to work again or something
If you can do some PHP and want to help me, I will GLADLY pay anyone for assistance in getting my site back up and running. I just don't know enough about PHP yet to do it myself.

So I've talked some about needing to get more hours at work. Today my boss came to me and asked if we could re-work my hours so naturally I said yes. Instead of working 9am-1pm I now am working 11am-4:30PM. This will give me an extra hour a day of work plus a half an hour lunch. 5 extra hours a week, 10 extra hours a paycheck or $90 a paycheck before taxes. It's not much, but right now every little bit helps
While I'm on the subject of jobs, if anyone needs any computer work done or needs any computer supplies, I have my skills to offer for a great price and I have lots of extra computer parts I am willing to part with. I might look into picking up some sort of part time job, possibly something from home I can do online. We just need to make more money cause right now we are going broke off the little I make and with taking care of two kids and a third on the way, money is getting tight. I am not complaining, I LOVE my kids and can't WAIT to have more. I just need to be a better father and earn more money to give them the things they need and deserve.

If you are one of the people that take interest in the creative things I do and look forward to the updates on the status they are in, well I am sorry I have nothing to update. I havn't done SHIT on ANYTHING. I will however, be working on stuff pretty regularly this weekend I think. We are going camping and I am bringing my drawing pad and writing stuff to work on in the down time. This is assuming there is any down time! BADUM-CHA!

On a short update, assuming I get my scanner and tablet working on my home PC sometime soon, y2cl will return as an every Friday post. All can rejoice in song and merriment.


Wednesday, August 15, 2007

8/15/08 - Late to work....again.

So I was late to work today, by almost a full fucking hour. So that was fun. Luckily I still have a job. My boss even asked me to work extra on Monday, so thats really cool. I need more hours or better pay. Now I'm not saying I need a raise here, cause it would be tacky to demand a raise when i was 45 minutes late. What I'm saying is I need a job where I can make more then $9 an hour to support my ever growing family on.

Here is the conundrum (a puzzle or a riddle designed to test for lateral thinking) , I need to work more hours and make more money to support my growing family, BUT I hate to be away from them for any period of time. What I would like ideally is a job that I can make a shit pile of money at but only for a few hours a day. Even if I have to work real hard for those few hours. I just don't like to come home when the kids go to bed and shit.

So my friend on livejournal oneonthefencehas had an interesting turn of events at her work recently. I probably shouldn't go into her personal business, but I just wanted to use her as a small example of a thought that I have on the world. If she gets mad at me, I'll deal with that when it happens.
The long and skinny of her story is that her Grandma is sick and possibly dieing very soon and her boss at work is being a cunt about giving her time off. Naturally she was quite her job, which I would have done the same. I also would have told her boss that I wished she would fall on sharp things while doing the splits with no pants on. Cause family is WAAAAAY more important a job. Jobs come and go, you only get family members once. Remember this, it's an important fact.

Check out these youtube videos

Jonathan Ross making out with Neil Gaiman
Jonathan Ross' Ode to Masterbation
Daniel Radcliffe Talking with Jonathan Ross Part 1
Daniel Radcliffe with Jonathan Ross Part 2

I am not sure what Widget Nest is, but Will Wheaton talks about it a lot over in his blog. I think I am going to look into it. Apparently he is also doing something for Netscape, which I have yet to find out what it is. I only skim his blog most of the time and read the ones the look interesting. He's a very good writer and I plan to pick up his books Just a Geek and Dancing Barefoot. I found him while reading Neil Gaiman's blog a few years back. I've been meaning to pick up his Just a Geekfor awhile now, anyone else read it? Thoughts? Comments?

random images I found

I have really been itching to work on my Memoirs Project, but alas have been help up with this other thing known as 'life'. I'm so flippin' happy I finaly have some creativity running through my veins again. Here are the list of projects I currently have running through my head that I am frantically trying to get to paper and get out there:

  1. The Memoirs Project

  2. Y2cl 2pointOH!

  3. Bob The Text Story

  4. Re-vamping of
    (it crashed and i have no idea why it is not working)

I am hoping I can stick with these and complete these. Anyone have any ideas on how I can get working again? I don't know enough about PHP to get it to work right now.

Well, it is almost time for me to leave work, so I suppose I should post this and finish up my work for the day. I swear, you all are going to think that all I do is just write blogs at work. Not a bad gig, the pay sucks though.


Tuesday, August 14, 2007

8/14/07 - (no title)

The Secret word today is 'balloon'
So does anyone know how to stay awake and alert 24 hours a day WITHOUT the use of meth? Cause if could just always be awake I could get SO much more done! I might have laundry done and clean socks to wear!! Shower without the use of a dirty towel! I should stop here before i gross anyone out to bad...(This is all lies and untrue, i SWEAR!)

Rubix Colbert?
(if you couldn't guess I totally stole this from Ninjaguydan. You all are going to think I'm in love with him!)
Even if you do not like Stephen Colbert, you should check this out. This is what happens when nerds have WAY to much fucking time on their hands.

Icons are fun


This has got to hurt (if it where real that is)

Dorothy Brown (right), 90 years young, prepares to fight the professional wrestler known as the "Sheek of Arabi" on Wednesday at the Champaign County Fair in Urbana, Ohio. I would pay to see this

This just isn't right. Made me laugh though. I mean, it's terrible people joke about this sort of thing!

Now I know Miley Cyrus can get a better looking man then this! She's Hannah fuckin Montana for crying out loud!!

For those who saw GRIND HOUSE...She's real! now sweet is this? For those of you who didn't, no worries I failed to see it as well.

and thats all for me.
